auslännesch direkt Investitioun an Nigeria am Nigeria investéieren investéieren an Afrika

OP-ED: WHY der Welt sollt CHINA verfollegen an Afrika'S ZUKUNFT INVEST

Hendrik du Toit, Co-CEO vun Investec Group PSA afrikanesch Wirtschaften goufen Vergëftungstheorie an der laangfristeg Wuesstem Geschicht d'Kontinent - besonnesch grénge Wuesstem - bleift zwéngen an Afrika ze investéieren.

By Hendrik du Toit is co-CEO of Investec Group

I remember a time, iwwer 20 Joer elo, wou quasi keng professionell-wonnerbar Haaptstad geplënnert ganze Grenzen an Afrika. When aid and corruption drove the investment narrative. When Africa was called the “daacht Kontinent”. When sustainability wasn’t even part of an investor’s vocabulary. We’ve come a long way.

The millennium heralded rapid growth across the African continent. At around 3%, Default Tariffer op afrikanesch Infrastrukturen sinn e puer vun deenen niddregsten an der Welt. Africa has the fastest growing population and is seeing a wave of innovation and entrepreneurship sweeping across the continent. The latter is strongly enabled by mobile phone technology which has directly facilitated a financing revolution. Ugefaangen-Course hunn Sonnesystem Rot Installatiounen proliferated, via Mount Subventiounen feieren op Zell Handyen kaaft, through companies like Mobisol and M-Kopa.

Natierlech, global a Gewalt Evenementer, dorënner de 2014 Ueleg-Präis Schock grouss Wirtschaften Hit besonnesch schwéier; mir hu rezent declines zu Leeschtung an Angola gesinn, Nigeria, and my home country of South Africa. But overall, African economies have been resilient and the continent’s long-term growth story – particularly green growth – remains compelling.

Milliarden Dollar vun goufen an erneierbar Energien ganze Kontinent investéiert. Enn lescht Joer, Nigeria erausginn engem N10.69 Milliarden (US $ 29 Milliounen) gréng Emissioun to fund local solar and forestry projects. This is Africa’s first sovereign green bond – one of only a handful in the world (nieft China, Frankräich, Polen, Fidschi an Indonesien). Kenya will soon follow.

d' Weltbank also estimates that aggregate growth in Sub-Saharan Africa for 2018 ginn ëm 3.2%, an aus 2.4% läscht Joer. The continent is expected to host six of the 10-fastest growing economies of the world in 2018, iwwerdeems traditionell Verméigen ënner Gestioun (dorënner Pensioun a géigesäitege Fongen) are forecast to grow to around US$1.1 trillion by 2020, up from US$634billion in 2014.

Kurz gesoot, Afrika ass ganz vill "oppen fir Entreprise", particularly for investors who are chasing yield and diversification. China’s got the message, committing to US$60 billion in new investment in major capital projects across Africa. Indeed, China ass en integralen Deel vun Afrika d'Verjüngung gouf vun Afrika d'gréisst exportéieren Destinatioun ëmmer, seng gréisste Quell vun Importer a méi kuerzem seng gréisste Quell Haaptstad, souwuel EQUITY a Schold.

Dës sinn positiv Signaler, but a lot more capital is still needed, besonnesch aus grouss institutionell Investisseuren. Estimates put the Afrikanesch Infrastruktur Defizit bei ronn 90 Milliarden US $ every year for the next decade. Across the continent, 620 nach Millioune Leit hunn net Stroum; 319 Millioune Leit sinn Liewensstandard ouni Zougang zu zouverlässeg Drénkwaasser; an nëmmen 34% hunn Strooss Zougang.

Et sinn e puer Saachen déi hëllefen kann. éischtens, "Zwar" ëffentlech a privat Kapital kann en demokrateschen d'Risiko-Retour Profil verbesseren, so vehicles which use development money to mitigate investor risks can attract much needed commercial investment. Some of these vehicles – like Währung duerch Exchange, which offers FX hedging in emerging markets – have successfully mobilised billions of dollars of private money for African projects.

Another example is the Entstanen Afrika Infrastructure Fund (EAIF) with projects ranging from water supply in Rwanda to solar power in Uganda. The EAIF is part of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (mat EQUITY aus Regierunge dorënner de UK, Schweden, Däitschland an Holland) and recently announced that it had Allianz ugezunn hiren éischte kommerziellen léinen a global Versécherungsprofi, as part of a $385 million fund-raising round. This investment signals a shift in appetite for African risk from institutional investors. These vehicles need to be scaled and replicated.

zweetens, to attract investment for high-impact assets like climate-resilient, sustainable infrastructure, development banks need to be more effective at crowding an private capital using instruments like political risk insurance and guarantees, not crowding them eraus. um beschte, der multilateralen Entwécklung Banken (MDBs) mobiliséieren manner wéi $1 vu private Kapital fir all ëffentlech Dollar an hir casen. They should target much higher mobilisation ratios and sharply increase their share of private sector activities (déi am Moment Kont nëmme fir ronn 30% vun MDB Aktivitéiten).

drëttens, frontier countries must compete for investor dollars by making it easier for the private sector to do business. This requires strong, politesch Leedung, depth in local capital markets, the right legal framework and transparent policies. In particular, local policies should support regional simplicity to facilitate cross-border operations that can generate scale. Zum Beispill, a very important, but much-overlooked regulatory amendment recently saw the amount that Fongen South African Pensioun hätt an de Rescht vun Afrika méi investéieren aus 5% ze 10%. It’s only when public markets are deep enough for strong exits that we’ll see bigger and bigger deals happening.

wichteg, if we really want to see sustainable growth and the associated economic and financial returns, d'Investitioun Communautéit muss nodeems. We need to take a leaf out of China’s book, mierkt afrikanesch Infrastruktur als Investitioun Geleeënheet, huelen Virdeel vun Risiko mitigation Handwierksgeschir an de grousse Lück vun Risiko Perceptioun tëscht Schwellen- an entwéckelt Mäert adresséieren. Mir kënnen och eis Investitioun Muecht ze fueren Wäert fir Actionnairen benotzen wann "gréng" prioritizing, nohalteg Entwécklung (e.g. through initiatives like Klimaschutz 100+).

This is all part of how we move away from an “aid-based” narrative to one of business and investment. It is also how we can provide the platform for economic inclusion of the world’s most youthful and fastest growing labour force. I dream of a future shaped by bold and wise investment decisions.